Study: Islamists Responsible For 91 Per Cent of Terror Deaths of Europeans Since 2000
Paul Joseph Watson | Tuesday, April 30, 2019 -- 7:59 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 -- 8:02 PM EDT***

Over 1700 people killed by Muslim extremists.

***Article first published by 'Summit News' on April 29, 2019***

A recently released study found that Islamists were responsible for 91 per cent of all terror-related deaths of European citizens since 2000.

The study, called the Black and White Book of Terrorism in Europe, is a project spearheaded by Spanish MEP and president of the Foundation for Victims of Terrorism, Maité Pagazaurtundua.

According to the data gathered, which was reported on by left-leaning French newspaper Le Figaro, 753 people were killed in terror attacks across Europe from 2000 to 2018.

The figures also include a further 1115 European victims who were killed abroad by jihadists.

91 per cent of these victims were killed by Muslim extremists, with just 14 victims being killed by right-wing extremists and 13 by left-wing extremists, as well as one killed by an animal rights extremist.

“The vast majority (1,703 people, 91.1%) were victims of “jihadist terrorism”, with nearly 20% of suicide bombings,” reports Le Figaro.

A report released back in 2017 by Europol, the law enforcement agency of the European Union, which defines the figures differently, found that leftists carried out 27 times more terror attacks than right-wingers in 2016.

Either way you slice it, Islamic terrorism clearly remains the biggest threat and dwarfs that of any other religious or political belief system.

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