UK: Four Muslims who plotted jihad massacre received $1,000,000 in taxpayer-funded legal aid from government
Robert Spencer | Wednesday, December 11, 2019 -- 1:54 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 -- 1:59 PM EST***

Social programs become obsolete with an un-ethical society, which clearly Islam instills in its adherents along with other instititutions of greed.

***Article first published by 'Jihad Watch' on Dec. 2, 2019***

“The four men – who were jointly jailed for a total of 75 years – received nearly £800,000 in legal aid during the case.”

How much money did Tommy Robinson receive in legal aid? Right: none. The British government aids and abets jihad mass murderers and would-be mass murderers while hounding and persecuting foes of jihad terror. And there is no end to this madness, which is actively opposed only by a tiny minority that the British establishment media has relentlessly demonized. Britain is, in a word, finished.

“How WERE they freed? Terrorist jailed with London Bridge knifeman Usman Khan over 2010 plot to blow up London stock exchange went on to plan a Lee Rigby-style murder… so what happened to the seven others?,” by Abul Taher and Duncan Gardham, Mail On Sunday, November 30, 2019:

“…Mohibur Rahman, 35, was one of nine terrorists, also including Khan, who were handed long sentences in 2012 for a plan to blow up famous sights in the capital including the London Eye and the London Stock Exchange.

Rahman was released in 2015 but while serving part of his sentence at Belmarsh top security prison in South-East London he became friends with two men from the West Midlands, Khobaib Hussain and Naweed Ali….

Inspired by the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, South East London, in May 2013, they plotted to launch attacks against military targets across the UK armed with knives, meat cleavers and even pipe bombs. A fourth man, Tahir Aziz, 40, joined their plot later….

The four men – who were jointly jailed for a total of 75 years – received nearly £800,000 in legal aid during the case.

Like Khan, Rahman’s sentence was also reduced by Lord Leveson, knocking six months off his five-year term….

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