STUNNING ADMISSION: Democrat Leaders Reveal Top Trump Intel Officials Agreed to Keep Information from President Trump
Jim Hoft | Tuesday, November 6, 2018 -- 3:56 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 -- 4:06 PM EST***

Say it with me... "DEEEEEP STAAAATE"

***Article first published by 'The Gateway pundit' on Sept. 19, 2018***

In a shocking letter intended to undermine President Trump, and his authority over the Executive Branch, multiple high ranking Democrats sent a letter ordering intelligence agencies to ignore Trump’s order to declassify numerous documents involving the Russia investigation until consulting with Congress.

The intelligence agencies serve at the pleasure of the president — and this clearly crosses the line separating the branches of government.

The letter was signed by Rep. Adam Schiff, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Senator Mark Warner, and Senator Charles Schumer and sent to Director Coats, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and Director Wray.

Here is a copy of the letter to Intelligence leaders.

What is even more shocking than this deliberate attempt to skirt the rule of law and the US Constitution is the admission by Democrat leaders that Democrats are cutting deals with top Trump intelligence officials behind the president’s back.

As Conservative Treehouse reported:

This letter reeks of corruption, manipulative intent, and between-the-lines admissions of gross intelligence abuses. Additionally, the appearance of a visible alignment between corrupt executive branch officials (Wray, Rosenstein, possibly Coats) and corrupt intelligence oversight officials (Schiff, Warner, Pelosi, Schumer) is jaw-droppingly obvious.

Nice work, Pelosi and Schumer!
You just outed your allies in the Deep State!
It will be interesting to see how Dirty Cop Rosenstein, Wray and Coats respond to this allegation.

Let’s hope President Trump takes notice.

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