Massive fraud by migrants: Thousands of Turks own houses in Turkey while living on Dutch benefits
Voice of Europe | Monday, November 5, 2018 -- 4:01 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Monday, November 5, 2018 -- 4:30 PM EST***

In the simplest terms, Turkey is pilaging Deutchland.

***Article first published by 'Voice of Europe' on Oct. 23, 2018***

Dutch authorities have discovered a massive benefit fraud by migrants and double passport holders from Turkey, public broadcaster NOS reports.

In the years 2016 and 2017 more than 600 investigations in Turkey showed that 17 million euros of assets were kept hidden from Dutch authorities.

People who receive benefits in the Netherlands are obliged to be completely transparent about their financial situation and property.

Dutch citizens or people with a residence permit, who have property or capital, mostly don’t have the right to receive benefits. Keeping these things hidden from the authorities is fraud.

Newspaper De Telegraaf calls it a big problem. According to them, between 8,000 and 12,000 Turks and many more migrants or double passport holders from other foreign countries are fraudulent.

The newspaper says the problem exists for decades, but it wasn’t addressed. Reasons are fears of discrimination, costs of research, threats by foreigners or not enough expertise.

A Turkish MP of Erdogan’s AK party calls the investigations by the Dutch government illegal.

There are signals the fraudulent behaviour of Turks is committed in other EU countries as well. Earlier we’ve reported on how a complete Turkish village was living on German benefits.

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