Hillary Henchwoman Heads Mueller's Probe of Stone
Waldo Crane | Friday, November 30, 2018 -- 7:05 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Friday, November 30, 2018 -- 7:10 PM EST***

How on earth anyone could possibly expect this to be conducted with any kind of integrity or that its conclusion would be deemed legitimate is beyond me. Republicans have once again rolled over.

***Article first published by 'Big League Politics' on Nov. 13, 2018***

While the Democrats are raising hell over acting Attorney General Whitaker’s past political activities, the woman leading the potential Special Counsel’s potential prosecution of long-time Trump political advisor Roger Stone is Hillary Clinton’s personal attack dog lawyer Jeannie Rhee. Rhee has questioned multiple witnesses about Stone before the Grand Jury including Stone’s attorney Tyler Nixon who testified before the Mueller Grand Jury ten days ago.

Stone has insisted consistently that he has no advance notice of the source or content of the Wikileaks disclosures about Hillary that rocked the 2016 presidential race. Stone also says his statement and testimony to the House Intelligence Committee last September was truthful. At the direction of his lawyer, Bruce Rogow, Stone took two polygraph tests administered and analyzed by two of the nation’s leading experts. The test results were made available to the media.

Prior to joining Mueller’s investigative team Rhee represented former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a lawsuit seeking access to her private emails. Incredibly that is now one of the very subjects Rhee is investigating Stone over!

Rhee also represented the Clinton Foundation in 2015 against a racketeering lawsuit brought by the conservative legal activist group Freedom Watch in 2015.

Rhee’s husband Christoper served as a special assistant to then-Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, and as counsel to Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill, a leading critic of Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Jeannie Rhee is also a contributor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Rhee donated a total of $5,400 to Clinton in 2015 and 2016. Rhee also donated a combined $4,800 to Obama in 2008, and again in 2011. Rhee has also contributed to the Democratic National Committee.

Contacted by Big League Politics Stone said the fact that Rhee was leading the investigation into him was “a stunning conflict of interest which exposes the corrupt political agenda of the Special Counsel’s investigation.”

Facing an estimated $2 million for lawyers and legal cost and potential financial ruin Stone has set up a legal defense fund at StoneDefenseFund.com.

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