Antifa puts severed pig heads at campaign offices, calls for "people's war"
Far Left Watch | Monday, November 12, 2018 -- 10:01 AM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Monday, November 12, 2018 -- 10:26 AM EST***

"Nothing to report on here folks...." - Mainstream, multi0national, conglomerate media

***Article first published by 'Far Left Watch' on Oct. 12, 2018***

After attacking five separate GOP offices, Antifa has escalated their extremist activities by placing severed pig heads at multiple polling locations and campaign offices in the Austin, TX area. This comes directly on the heels of the media accusing Republicans of “seizing” on the “angry mob” mantra in order to generate a better turnout for the midterms.

The Red Guards Austin recently shared a blog post with their 8,000 Facebook followers in which they commemorated Mao Zedong’s brutal communist revolution that resulted in millions of people being slaughtered. In this blog post, they called for a boycott of the “bourgeois elections” and advocated for organized revolutionary violence. In one part of the blog, they even called for the formation of a “Red Army” that will destroy the existing state and replace it with a new authoritarian communist state:

Mainly this means uniting under Maoism, establishing self-defense units which are in time converted into a mighty Red Army, encouraging the self-administration of the community under the protection of this army, forming a new state posed to make war on the old

They ended this blog post as they usually do with overt calls for armed violence, “Boycott the Bourgeois Elections! Elections, no! Revolution, yes! The ruling class will rule no more! Revolution, Peoples War!”

In the lead up to this public proclamation for an election boycott, this extremist group shared a Facebook image depicting Senator Ted Cruz as a “Homophobic Imperialist Pig” and his Democrat opponent, Beto O’Rourke as a “Zionist Imperialist Pig”

Last Thursday, the Los Angeles Red Guard cell tweeted (archive) out images of the severed pig heads that were “placed at polling places and campaign offices” by their comrades in Austin, TX. The images suggest that the severed heads were placed at both Senator Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke’s campaign offices.

This armed extremist group that for months has been openly advocating for “revolutionary violence” is now putting the severed heads of pigs at polling places and campaign offices. Contrary to what many media outlets and personalities would have you believe, the left absolutely presents a legitimate threat of political violence.

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