France: Muslim group sues councillor for criticizing anti-Western remarks in sermon, she vows to fight Islamization
Robert Spencer | Thursday, March 24, 2022 -- 10:38 AM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, March 24, 2022 -- 10:38 AM EDT***

Civilization Jihad, at its core, uses ideological fanaticism not grounded in any understanding, to exert its will. Simply put, they are not here because they are seeking refuge, an alternative lifestyle, or desire to embrace a culture with different values, they Jihad so as to make non-Muslims submit and pilfer resources AND PEOPLE for the benefit of tyrants.

***Article first published by "Jihad Watch" on March 2, 2022***

“They will not silence me,” says Isabelle Surply.

But they’ll keep trying. If they do not win in the courts, they’ll smear her as a racist, bigoted “Islamophobe.” Clueless and short-sighted Leftists will eagerly pile on.

“Loire: an elected official denounces anti-Western remarks in a sermon, the council of Muslim worship files a complaint,” translated in “Loire : une élue dénonce des propos anti-occidentaux dans un prêche, le conseil du culte musulman porte plainte,” Valeurs Actuelles, February 26, 2022 (thanks to Medforth):

“They will not silence me.” This was the reaction of Isabelle Surply, RN councillor of Saint-Chamond and regional councillor of the Loire department, after learning of her summons to the Vallée-du-Gier commissariat on March 4, resulting from a complaint filed last October by the Loire department’s Muslim cultural council, reports France Bleu on Friday February 25. She is being sued for “public defamation based on origin, ethnicity, race or religion” with respect to acts dating back to the Eid festival in July 2021. At the time, in a series of tweets, the politician denounced what she considered anti-Western messages in a sermon by an imam at the Attaqwa mosque in her city.

“She assured that she would actively continue her “daily fight against political Islam and the Islamization of our communities.”

The Rassemblement National MP is particularly astonished by this summons, also because the speech of the imam of the mosque in Saint-Chamond had been condemned by the prefect of the Loire department and the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. The latter had even called for the imam’s removal. “I am forced to organise my defence by using the assistance of my lawyer, even though I was only doing my job as an elected representative, citizen, mother and wife,” the councillor complained.

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